August 19

Holiday Hacks – Part 3 of 3


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This is the final installment in the “holiday things that are kinda related to training, but aren’t really, but I’mma talk about em anyway so there” series.

You can find parts 1 and 2 of the series here:

Part 1 :

Part 2 :

Today’s one, I discovered 100% by accident.

I don’t even know how I came across it, but the day I noticed it, everything changed.

Ready for it?


I know, right?

I didn’t believe it at first either. I assumed I must have left something on, but no – google maps works offline.

Kind of.

You might remember I told you how great trip advisor is for finding restaurants. The only problem is unless you know where you’re going, they can be a pig to find.

And since mobile data costs a fortune when travelling, it used to make finding those top ranked restaurants hard, until I discovered this glitch.

Here’s how to work it;

#1 When you’re in wifi (usually at the hotel) set your start location and your destination.

#2 Let the map load, and start the walking directions.

#3 Turn your phone onto airplane mode, and…

…well, that’s it.

You now have google maps running offline. The audible directions won’t always work, but you can just flip open your screen and check that youre still on the blue line at any time.

It was a serious game changer for me.

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So, what’s todays tenuous link to training you ask?

It’s this…

Sometimes, the solution is right under your nose, you’ve just never thought to look for it.

I use google maps all the time and it wans’t until I got “lucky” that I realised I had a solution to my “where the fuck am I going” problem.

And maybe today is that day for you too.

Did you know we have a custom made solution waiting for you too in RevFit?

One where we’ll do a private personal training session with you to get you started before selecting the right group training program for you, and making any modifications you need based off your current strength and mobility requirements.

(that means you’ll never be out of your depth, and we’ll always be pushing you at a level you’re ready for)

Then, as part of your membership, we’ll set you up with a private appointment with our nutritionist who’ll help you get your head around the food side of things too.

He’ll help you with a custom meal plan if necessary, or show you how to create better habits as a starting point.

But ALL of that starts with a free private consultation with us, and a week long free trial so you can see what it’s all about.

The best part is once you do get started, it costs less than €40 per week, and you get to train up to 5 times each week with our trainers too.

Most of the remainder of August is booked up for intro sessions, buuuut if you email us directly on we should be able to swing something for ya.

You can check here to book your session too;

TL;DR – google maps works offline – in wifi/data, select your start and end point, hit the go button, turn onto airplane mode and it’ll still guide you like it was online


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