August 17

Next Time You’re On Holidays – Try This


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We survived day 1 in  Athens.

It’s miserably warm, in case you were wondering.

35 degrees on the beach or at a pool is amazing, but on a city break it’s tough going (first world problems, I know).

Today’s email isn’t training related, but there is a training message.

The first thing I do when I’m in a new city (…and I can’t believe other people aren’t doing this), is open up trip advisor and search for the top ranked restaurants.

If there’s some good ones near us, we’ll generally eat there – but if there are some outstanding ones which are a bit of a trek away, we’ll usually pick the one that tickles our fancy the most and head there.

I can be quite a fussy eater. Not picky, but fussy. And one of the biggest problems I always have when I go away is that I don’t want to risk eating off the beaten track in case I get a manky meal, can’t eat and go hungry.

A lot of people are the same – the uncertainty is one of the reasons why so many people gravitate to MaccyDs when they’re away. Same with Storbucks.

But for the last couple of years i’ve managed to move away from that by using the tripadvisor app to find great places to eat wherever I am.

So here’s what you do next time you’re on holidays;

#1 download the tripadvisor app, or visit their website

#2 enter the name of the city, and rank the restaurants – you can then go on to sort by type of food, meal time, budget and many more ways

#3 visit the highest ranking ones closest to you, or the ones that seems the most enticing based off the reviews

Yesterday, we ate in the #4 ranked restaurant in Athens, it ended up being only 5 minutes from our hotel. We’d a giant selection of cold cuts to start , and a variety of sausages for the main.

A plate full of meat and fat - Grok would be proud.
A plate full of meat and fat – Grok would be proud.

It was an incredible feed, and since the restaurant reviews are crowd sourced, value is taken into account – so it didn’t break the bank.

…but what’s the training lesson?

It’s this – you don’t have to break the mould. You don’t have to go it alone. And you don’t have to eat shit a few times before you get to taste champagne.

Since you’re reading these emails, I assume you’re at least mildly intelligent. Put those brains to use and join us to taste our own brand of RevFit style coaching and training champagne at a free personal training session by booking here:

I got another great holiday tip tomorrow.

TL;DR – download tripadvisor and eat at the top ranked restaurants next time you’re on holiday



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