December 12

James’ Training – Week 21


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DAY 1 – The peaking cycle beings

A) Bench
100kg x4
120kg x3
140kg 3×2
NBL: 13

B) Squat
140kg x4
170kg x3 – toes up, not belt to here
200kg 3×3 – belt on
205kg x3
NBL: 19

C) Bench
100kg x4
120kg x3
132.5kg 4×2
NBL: 15

D) Pause off the floor deadlift
140kg x3
180kg 3×3
NBL: 12

E) Upper back work
Will set a clock for 15 minutes and get as much work done in that time period as possible

It was our annual lads 12 pubs at the weekend, so sub-optimal prep for this session. Felt good tho. Coming off last weeks deload has me feeling fresh. No hassle with anything.

Bench results at this comp are going to be governed solely by upper back work I expect. I have a horrible stability issue on right side shoulder from an operation many moons ago. If it stays in place, I should be able to grind a rep out.

Squats felt crap. And looked great. So strange. Didn’t feel heavy, just sloppy. On review tho, I kept my hips under the bar well.

Deadlifts were easier than expected too. Will push em a bit harder next time. Tomorrow’s workout doesn’t look too bad, so yay.


A) Deficit Deads
140kg x3
170kg x3
190kg 2×2
NBL: 10

B) Bench
100kg x4
120kg x3
132.5kg 4×3
NBL: 19

C) Block Pull
160kg x3
190kg x3
220kg 2×2
250kg 3×1 – belt on
NBL: 13

D) 4040 Squats
100kg x3
130kg 3×3
NBL: 12

E) 15 minutes of upper back work
4×12 @ CS KB row, Alt Serrano Press, Face Down Ex. Rotations

Very happy with that session. Deficit’s felt great. Bench was nice. Block pulls were a  bit shit, but they’re my worst position so I’m not too surprised. Tempo squats were excellent, in the sense that my adductors hated me. Left one in particular.

DAY 3 – Extra Bench Day

A) 3sec Pause Bench
80kg x4
100kg x3
120kg x1
130kg x1 @8
105kg 3×4
NBL: 21

B) C/S Machine 4×12

C) Pulldowns 4×12

D) Face Pull 4×12

E) Bat Wings 3×8 w/ 3s hold

Grand oul sesh. More upper back work boxed off. Bench felt ok. Heavy doubles tomorrow. Excite.


A) Squat:
140kg x3
180kg x3 – toes elevated to here
205kg 2×2 – belt
215kg 3×1
NBL: 13

B) Bench:
100kg x4
120kg x3
135kg x2
142.5kg x2
145kg x2
147.5kg 2×2 – PR
…back to do the following later:

C) Deadlift:
180kg x1
200kg 7×1
NBL: 8

D) Upper back work;
– Y Raise 4×12
– 90deg Raise 4×12
– Seated DB PC 4×12

Squats felt AWFUL today. Just stiff and manky from the start. Bench felt magic. So odd.

DAY 5 – volume right down today because I can only assume next week is fucking nuts (…I know it is, for the record)

A) Bench
105kg 5×3
NBL: 15

B) Block Pull
180kg x3
210kg x2
230kg 3×2 – belt for 2 sets
NBL: 11

C) Pause On The Way Down Squat (HB)
100kg x4
120kg 4×4
NBL: 20

D) 20 minutes of upper back;
Head supported rows 4×12 @ 24kg
Serrano alt press 4×10 @ 2.5kg
Face down cubans 4×12 @ 2.5kg
Pull aparts 5o reps total @ black

Still hammering the upper back work.

Can’t believe the cycle’s already been 21 weeks long.


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