September 11

The Intelligent Intensity System


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Without a doubt the biggest mistake I see people making in the gym is not training hard enough.

…or at least hard enough on the right things.

Sure, you’re sweating, grunting and giving it your all. But are you seeing progress? You show up to the gym day after day, chalk, belt, gloves and straps, ready to dominate.

But you’re never quite sure where to start. What exercise to kick off with, or what movements to follow on with. How many reps should you be doing? What about sets? And hell, should I be using some sort of tempo??!

You don’t know the best body parts to work together for maximum results, and you haven’t ever managed to stick to one program long enough to get results because you have shiny object syndrome.

You jump on the next big thing every time on, and t-nation.


That’s why I’ve been secretly working away on The Intelligent Intensity System. A 3 phase, 12 week training cycle that will take you to the absolute limit of your physical and mental capacity, and push you to the brink every single workout.

Ya see I’m sick of seeing people go into the gym to absolutely attack it. Bomb into their workout, give it everything they have and see NO results.

You’re working your ass off.. the least you should get is some sorta pay off right? But nope… you’re just working like a busy fool. Killing yourself in the gym 3-4x per week (maybe even more) and still seeing no results.

The Intelligent Intensity System solves that problem. And it solves it by being designed from the ground up to move your thru the 3 training phases you absolutely MUST complete to have ripped abs and a body to be proud of.

A body that will prompt people to say “have you been working out?” rather than “YOU? go to the gym?!?”.

So what’s is the system? It’s quite simple really.

Phase 1: “accumulation” 

A custom muscle building high volume plan to build work capacity, lay down some new lean mass and set you up for the rest of the training cycle.

Here’s an example:

A1) DB Fly: 8×12
A2) Bench Press: 8×8 @ 4010
B1) Pulldowns: 6×10 @ 3010
B2) Bent Over Row: 6×10 @ 2020

[go try that today – tell me how you feel afterwards!]

Phase 2: “intensification”

Stepping up on the previous phases efforts and really hammering down into a hard, heavier and more intense assault on your muscles.

The purpose of this phase is to switch things up enough to keep your body guessing and ram home the rest of your gains before you move onto the shredding phase at the end.

Here’s an example of that day:

A1) Barbell Squats 4×6 @ 4010
A2) Split Squats 4×12 @ 3030
A3) Reverse Lunge 4×25
B1) Barbell Curls 4×6 @ 6010
B2) Barbell Curls 4×12 @ 1010
B3) Tricep Extensions 4×6 @ 6010
B4) Tricep Extensions 4×12 @ 1010

…I apologize in advance for the DOMS.

Phase 3: “realization”

A 4 week extreme cutting protocol which will strip away any remaining fat to show off your new lean toned muscle underneath and leave you walking away shredded.

This is probably the hardest phase of the plan, but after 8 weeks of killing yourself in the gym 3-4x per week, you’ll be able to survive thru this phase to reap the rewards of your hard work.

…and no, you’re not getting an example of that yet, because it’s my secret sauce.

So yup… it’s going to be a pretty powerful system. And it’s something we’re going to start running online early next year.

BUT if you want to be one of the first 6 on board, the pioneer group, you can do that today. I’m running an Intelligent Intensity Workshop on Sunday September 28th at 11am in RevFit: Drumcondra.

For. 6. People. Only.

If you’ve been saying you want to work with me for months (…and years) then this is your chance. It’s a system for you to take away and follow on your own, in your home gym.

I already know there’ll be people traveling from all around Ireland for it. The only question is, will you be one of them?

It’s going to be a 3 hour workshop which walks you thru the system step by step. You’ll walk away with the first 8 weeks of programming to follow, a customized nutrition and supplementation plan too, and an unstoppable attitude that screams ‘results guaranteed’.

And the cost? Just €127.

I know you’re probably thinking “why is it so cheap, what’s wrong with it?” well there’s a good reason dude.

I want you to be the poster boy (not literally!!). I want to horse 6 people thru this Intelligent Intensity Program ASAP while the website is being build so y’all can start telling people how amazing it is.

I’m not asking you to get naked on Facebook, or to post pics of you in your jocks to instagram. Hell I’m not even asking you to talk about it online.

All I’m asking is that when you go thru the program – tell people about it in real life, keep me updated, and really commit to being the pioneer – the first one thru the walls.

“Normal” people will be paying about €77 every 4 weeks to take part in this next year, and that will be completely online.

They won’t be getting the 3 hour seminar either. That’ll be another €127.

So really what you’re getting as part of this is €360 worth of stuff for only €127.

Well.. yah. There you go. 6 spots only (because that’s how many rack there are in RevFit!). Get on now.

I’ll be posting this to my Facebook page as well later today, so I’d imagine the spots will be gone quite quickly. If you’re one of the first 6 on board, you’re getting a 65% discount. Can’t say fairer than that for the action takers right?

Go here to book your spot now thru our secure server:

PS – ever wonder why bodybuilders do so many sets and super high reps? We’ll be talking about that at the workshop, and how you can keep it simple and get the same results


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