February 23

A Story About Persistance


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Have you ever seen a movie called Facing The Giants? There’s this iconic scene in it about the “death crawl” – an american football thing where someone lies on your back and you gotta do a bear crawl with em on it.

….if you’ve ever done any kind of bear crawl you’ll know how miserable that is, so imagine how much it sucks with someone lying on ya. So, there’s this one kid who just doesn’t really get it, low on self believe, on confidence etc etc. So the coach blindfolds him before he does it.

Tells him he just has to get “X” yards and then he can stop once he gives it his honest best. So the kid sets off… wants to quit… is about to give up and… just watch the video;


Whenever I think about persistence, I think about that scene. And it reminds me a lot about Sarah (not cos she has to carry me, but because she doesn’t  give up).

A couple of weeks back she held her last Empowered Women workshop before she took a break for our wedding. Did I mention we’re getting married?!

(and if you skipped the vid, the kid ends up crawling the entire pitch right into the endzone)

The workshops are always so much fun, and the most recent one in the Hilton Charlemont was by far there best. You can see a showreel from a previous empowered women workshop to get a feel for what I’m talking about here: http://www.thebetterlifeproject.ie/empoweredwomen/

And while “getting there” is always AWFUL, once we’re there it’s amazing. Yup – I said “awful” – it’s awful seeing how stressed Sarah gets in prep for it. It’s awful seeing how much she puts into it and demands of herself. And it’s awful seeing how the only way to sell tickets to an event like that is to chip away each day at it.

…then you end up in a room with 100 women, a book launch, a party atmosphere, prosecco, tea and coffee, lunch AND a truck ton of women supporting each other, sharing stories and investing a full day in self care and self improvement..

Aaaaand ya realise the prep wasn’t really that awful at all. It was just hard. It’s just the only way to do it. Ya realise the only way to do something extraordinary is by putting in consistent high level work. You can’t fake it, cheat it or short cut it.

It’s the same story with weight loss and strength training. Day to day all you see is how hard it is. How you’re not REALLY making that much progress despite working your ass off. That even over 2, 3 or maybe 4 weeks you’ve got nowhere.

But you keep the head down. You trust. You persevere. Then, 3/4 months later you look back at that start point and can’t believe how far you’ve come. It’s like you’ve had a blindfold on from day 1 and only get to rip it off 3/4 months later and realise you’re lying there exhausted, but happy, in the end zone.

Being miserable is just as hard as the work it takes to be happy, so why not give it a go? Why not put your best foot forward. Why not invest in months and years rather than days and weeks?

What’s the rush anyway? You’re gonna be around for the next 40-60 years hopefully. If you got your life time goals in 6 weeks, what would you do for the other 3,000ish weeks?

Building a business, a career, your health and fitness, is a lifelong thing. There’s no end point. And there shouldn’t. It’s about setting and overcoming challenges. Enjoying the journey. And realizing that you’re probably gonna fail just as many times as you’re successful. Maybe even more often.

BUT you only need to get it right in a big way a few times and everything changes.

Get it right BIG today and come join us for 6 free transformations in sessions in RevFit next week: https://revolutionfitness.ie/pt-intro
Fill in your email, the short application form and book your session. If there’s no available times that suit, or you want to get started earlier, send a reply to this email and we’ll getcha sorted 🙂


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